Could your takeaway container be composted?

Compostable containers include 100% paper, cardboard, wood, rye straw or compostable products with no lining or additives. 

Which Bin?

These items can be composted by placing them in your green bin along with any left-over food or drink.

Examples include:

  • cardboard pizza boxes
  • cardboard burger boxes 
  • cardboard clam shells 
  • paper bags 
  • paper towel, napkins and tissues
  • bamboo plates, clam shells and cutlery
  • sugarcane or corn-starch products
  • Products that are certified 100% compostable have the seedling logo AS-4736

Certifications are only used to distinguish compostable bioplastics from regular plastics. There are other international standards, but for now, the Australian Standard (AS4736) is the preferred and highest standard. Check the label to see if it states 100% compostable’ with a certification. 

If you’re not certain the item is 100% compostable, ask the takeaway venue for confirmation. If they’re not 100% certain that it’s certified compostable, then it shouldn’t go in the green bin.

Regular plastic takeaway containers need to be empty and given a quick rinse then placed in your yellow bin. 

Other composite takeaway items such as plastic lined coffee cups or cold cups with a plastic or waxy lining need to be placed in the waste bin.

Avoid, reduce and re-use 

Whilst compostable packaging provides a great alternative to using composite or plastic packaging, it is best to avoid disposable packaging all together and choose to reusable items instead. 

Choose to re-use:

Coffee cups, cutlery, straws and takeaway containers. Just make sure you clean items thoroughly between each use with hot water and detergent or by placing them in the dishwasher.