Using your kitchen caddy and green bin

All food scraps, tissues, paper towel, shredded paper, and more can be composted through your green bin.

If you’re worried about the smell or the bugs that can sometimes come with use of your green bin, we’ve got some tips for you:

Kitchen caddy tips

  • Empty your caddy when it’s full, or every 2 to 3 days, so the scraps aren’t sitting on your bench getting smelly. You may also like to rinse the caddy after you’ve emptied it out, or to put it through the dishwasher for a more thorough clean.
  • Dry materials like tissues, paper towels, paper serviettes, shredded paper, toilet paper rolls and brown paper bags can all go in your kitchen caddy, and are great for soaking up odour and moisture.
  • Sprinkle bi-carbonate (baking) soda on top of your food scraps to soak up some of the odour.
  • Use a ventilated caddy, and line it with a breathable, compostable bag, or open the lid to allow for airflow.
  • Spray lavender or mint oil around the base of your kitchen caddy and green bin to deter any insects.

Green bin tips

  • Line the base of your green bin with things like newspaper, shredded paper, cardboard (with any plastic packaging tape removed), pizza boxes, egg cartons, dry leaves or garden clippings to help food from sticking.
  • Layering your green bin, like a lasagne, will help to reduce odours and moisture. For example, use alternate layers of lawn clippings, leaves, shredded paper and newspaper between your food scraps.
  • On sunny days, leave the lid of your green bin open to allow for aeration and to help the materials dry out.
  • Put your green bin out for collection every fortnight, or every week if you are on a weekly collection schedule, even if it isn’t full.
  • Keep your green bin in the shade if you can.