Hot Tip: hot wood is no good in any bin

Remember to safely dispose of ash and charcoal this winter.If you are using a wood fire, it is important to safe...

No Clothing in the Green Bin! Clothing is not compostable.

Usually the phrase ‘if it grows, it can go’ applies for anything that can be added to your green bin but with an...

It's Valentine's Day, so waste it?

Less Waste, More Love Why waste it? This Valentine’s Day express your love and admiration with less stuff a...

Christmas - Naughty or Nice

Use Vin’s handy lists for wanted (‘nice’) and unwanted (‘naughty’) bin choices over the festive season:NicePutti...

Kitchen Caddy

Empty your caddy when full or every 2-3 days and rinse it after each use. For a more thorough clean you can use ...

A Nappy in the recycle bin doesn't make anyone happy!

Believe it or not, dirty nappies often end up at material recycling facilities.  They cause significant and...

Coffee grounds, tea bags and leaves go in the green bin

Coffee grounds contain a good amount of the essential nutrient nitrogen as well as some potassium and phosphorus...

Could your takeaway container be composted?

Compostable containers include 100% paper, cardboard, wood, rye straw or compostable products with no ...

The recycle bin is not where hoses, <br/>strapping, rope or wire go!

These items become entangled with recyclable materials and recycling machinery, causing contamination ...

What happens to the materials <br/>that go in your yellow bin for recycling?

Once received at the Materials Recycling Facility, (MRF) recyclables are pushed with a front end loader from the...

Recycle your old electronic items at a recycling centre.

If you get a new TV, phone, tablet or another electrical gadget be sure to re-gift or recycle your old one by ta...

No broken glass, crockery or light globes in the yellow lid recycle bin!

Broken glass, crockery and light globes cannot be recycled through the yellow lid recycle bin. Broken glass...